Here you will find necessary information about the race - will be updated continously.
You'll find all necessary info about the race in the Race-PM here: Race-PM
In both 2020 & 2021, the pandemic cancelled the race, but 2022 we were 3rd time lucky & pulled of a much appreciated event! Sold out with 240 participants, of which about 180 started the race!
The winner Mai Bui ran an impressing 41 loops & was awared with a "Silver Ticket" = a spot in the Swedish National Team in Backyard Ultra, competing in the Satellite Worlc Cup in Oct-2022. Together we raised 34.047 SEK to Barndiabetesfonden (Swedish Child Diabetes Foundation)!
The 2nd edition took place in May 2023 with fewer runners (ca 130) but who created a truly fantastic weekend with amazing atmosphere in great weather. The winner Szilard Fodor from Hungary was the last one standing after 30 loops. Together we raised 23.433 SEK to Barndiabetesfonden (Swedish Child Diabetes Foundation)!
The 3rd edition was in May-2024 & was once again sold out with a waiting list. Incredibly strong starting field as there was also a "Silver Ticket" in the pot for the winner this year. Crazy hot on Saturday, which made it extra tough for many, but we still got to see a total of 141 runners complete at least 7 laps (ultra runners) and a total of 17 runners managed at least 17 laps (both of these record entries in Sweden). In the end, Rasmus Stenemo was able to win after 39 loops. Together we raised a total of 52.543 SEK for The Swedish Child Diabetes Foundation!
All participants really praise the fantastic course which is beautifylly varied along lake Trekanten, rounding the magnificent Vinterviken & bck again on the other side of the lake to Trekantsparken.
NEW DATE = weekend May 3-4, 2025 (same time, same place, same course).
WINTER BAY Backyard Ultra is organized by Run Raisers (from Sweden), who also have been organizing KRKA Ultra Challenge in Croatia 2018-2019 (the 2020 & 2021 editions cancelled due to Covid-19), and GotRun Trail Fest in Gotland. All our races have a charity connection where we try to raise awareness & money against one of the fastest growing diseases globally - diabetes! #Run4Diabetes
The race follow a 6.7 km rounded course (loop) with a new start every full hour. WINTER BAY Backyard Ultra will start kl. 10:00 & all participants who finish the loop within 1 hour can start the next loop at kl. 11:00, then kl. 12:00 etc. Participants who don't manage to finish the loop under 1 hour are out of the race.
All participants run as many loops they want & participation is at your own risk.
Registration to WINTER BAY Backyard Ultra 2025 will open 5/7.
Name change can be made until April 30, 2025 at the cost of 150 SEK.
This is the process: The original participant sends an email to giving his/hers permission for the name change. We also need the following details of the new participant: Full Name, Email, Mobile, Sex, Personal number (6 digits), Club/Team, T-shirt Size.
According to The Distance Contracts Act sports events are exempt from the right of withdrawal.
You can read more here (Lag (2005:59) om distansavtal och avtal utanför affärslokaler) här
You can also read a short version here Hallå konsument!
Saturday May 3 – 2025 at Trekantsparken, Stockholm (T-bana Liljeholmen). Start kl 10:00.
Joint start every full hour. First start kl. 10:00, then kl. 11:00, kl. 12:00 etc.
Last One Standing, only one class.
You pick up your Start Bib ONLY according to the following:
Friday May 2:
Runners' Store (Regeringsgatan 26, Stockholm) between kl. 14:00-17:30
Saturday May 3:
Big tent in loop area @ Trekantsparken between kl. 08:30-09:30
Participant give-away (to be decided) will be in included included in the Goodie Bag* given at Start Bib pick-up.
Show on Google Maps
Trekantsparken, Stockholm (T-bana Liljeholmen).
Start & finish area in Trekantsparken. Here there is a limited area where participants can set up camp with a small tent, sun chairs or similar - a place to relax between every loop. In addition there will also be a bigger tent at disposal for the participants. In the loop area there will of course also be a loaded water-/energy station open at all times during the event. 3 toilets + urinoar will be available in the loop area. In addition there are a few port-a-potties along the course.
The course is a 6.7 km rounded course (loop) with about 89 m positive elevation. The surface varies between ashpalt, wood, gravel/macadam.
No official parking available, limited number of parking spaces close to event aree. Park at own risk & follow stated parking fees. We recommend publick transportation
Every participant who finish at least one full within 1 h will be awarded a unique medal.
Last One Standing (the winner) will be awarded some nice prizes from our sponsors/partners.
We will have a raffle where participants can win nice prizes on their Start Bib numbers from our sponsors/partners.
Medals will be given to participants after they notify Race Management of their resignation from the race.
Prize to Last One Standing (the winner) will awarded after race finish.
Winners of the raffle will be posted in loop area during Saturday May 3. Prizes are collected in the main tent.
Head lamp, reusable cup/mug & personal medication are mandatory equipment. Head lamp must be used between kl. 19:59-04:30. Reusable cup/mug must be accessible in loop area. Personal medication must be stuffed in loop area in case of emergency.
Reflex and/or reflex vest, extra shoes & socks, blister/chafing prevention & extra clothes are recommended equipment. The weather in Stockholm in May may vary a lot day by day - dress for success.
In our ambition to save the environment, we will not use any disposable mugs during the event. Meaning all participants must have their own resusable cup/mug to enjoy our refreshments in the water-/energy station.
The start bibs have a timing chip which will register your loop times as well as laps. We will have many volunteers to ensure a smooth finish transition. Please keep your Start Bib visible at all times (don't fold the bib) & make sure you are checked when finishing each loop.
By signing up for WINTER BAY Backyard Ultra all participants agree that the organizer Run Raisers can post photos & videos before/during/after the race on this website and social media (Facebook & Instagram).
By signing up for WINTER BAY Backyard Ultra all participants agree that the organizer Run Raisers can send the race results to UTMB, ITRA & DUV Ultra containing full name, gender, birth date (6 digits), club, nationality.
During the event the results can be followed at
and we will do our best to update the results also on Facebook on a regular basis, for your loved ones to follow all your admirable efforts. After race finish we will post all results on both Facebook and the Run Raisers website, as well as on the above link.
3 toilets + 1 urinoar will be available in the loop area.
Changing rooms are not avilable in the loop area, use existing tents if necessary.
More info to come, but rest assured, there will be a lots of energy...
Pacers are not allowed, see Rules
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