Here you'll find "all" necessary info about the race  - updated on a continous basis.

About 10 days before race date all participants will receive a Race-PM containing all you need to know (& some you don't need).


Registration to GotRun Trail Fest 2025 opens July 1. 

  • 350 start bibs available in total for all distances (limited number/distance)
  • Registration via Anmä  HERE (extern link)


GotRun Trail Fest is organized by Run Raisers (from Sweden) & WULF (Wisby Ultralöparförening). Run Raisers also organize the international charity trail race KRKA Ultra Challenge in Croatia both 2018-2019, and WINTER BAY Backyard Ultra in Stockholm 2022-2024.

All our events have a clear charity connection where we inform & raise money against one of the fastest growing global diseases - diabetes! #Run4Diabetes


The course mainly follows Östkustleden & Torsburgenleden along the spectacular east coast of Gotland. Depending of distance you'll also run quite a bit on lovely forest trails around Ljugarn & the ancient ruin Torsburgen. NOTE! All participants run at their own risk, need to carry enough energy to last the whole race, bring all mandatory equipent & must sign the race disclaimer before start.

NOTE! Mandatory for all participants to download the course to watch/mobile to navigate (apply to "Dubble" 100miles & "Enkle" 50miles). These courses are NOT MARKED the whole way.

Download the GPX-files here:

"DUBBLE" 100 miles

"ENKLE" 50 miles

"KORTE" 36 km


GotRun Trail Fest is an approved event  Idrottens Ö, which is a collaboration initiative between the Gothlandic athletic movement and the hospitality industry in Gotland. Via Idrottens Ö Destination Gotland offer discounted travel and accommodation to attractive prices in connection with the various sporting events taking place in Gotland.

As a participant (also applies to your family) you will have 10-48% discount on your ticket prices from Destination Gotlands (depending on time of year).

Note! For prices & discounts you must contact/book via either phone or email according to below + state you are a participant in GotRun Trail Fest:

Phone: 0771-22 33 50


We'll bring you on an adventure where the ocean's voice is always present. On eastern Gotland there are many stories from ancient times & the ocean has taken many lives. Running here during the winter you'll feel how the darkness, loneliness & history will catch you while fighting against the forces of nature. Are you a true rebel like the goth Thore from Hajdeby & his ancestors who have guarded the coast for as long as anyone can remember?


Friday March 28 - 2025 "Dubble" 100 miles start at the courtyard of Pensionat Lövängen in Ljugarn 

Saturday March 29 – 2025 "Enkle" 50 miles start at the courtyard of Pensionat Lövängen in Ljugarn

Saturday March 29 - 2025 "Korte" 36 km start at Östergarns IP


"Dubble" 100 miles: Kl. 19:00 Fri March 28 - time limit 28h (cut 23h)

"Enkle"      50 miles: Kl. 07:00  Sat March 29 - time limit 14h

"Korte"         36 km: Kl. 11:00 Sat March 29 (transfer to start @ kl. 09:15 from Ljugarn) - time limit 7h


2 classes/distance: DUDES/LADIES


There will only be one cut-off, applicable only for "Dubble" 100 miles participants. The cut will be after ca 124 km at aid station Östergarns IP. Participants must leave this station latest kl. 18.00 Saturday night (after 23 h), to have a reasonable chance to finish within the maximum  28 h. Participants who miss this time cannot continue the race & will get DNF in the result list, will get a ride back to finish.


"Korte" 36km = ITRA National League Qualifying race (index( in 20K-category for UTMB World Series 2025.

"Enkle" 50 miles = ITRA National League = Qualifying race (index) in 50K-category for UTMB World Series 2025.

"Dubble" 100 miles = ITRA National League = Qualifying race (index) in 100M-category for UTMB World Series 2025.


You'll collect your start bib + goodie bag ONLY according to:


Place: Pensionat Lövängen at the inner yard (Storvägen 64, 623 65 Ljugarn)

Time: Friday 28 March, between 15:30 - 18:30


Place: Pensionat Lövängen at the inner yard (Storvägen 64, 623 65 Ljugarn)

Time: Friday 28 March, between 15:30 - 18:30 (Note! ”Dubble” has priority)

Saturday 29 March, between 06:00 - 06:45 (Note! Only ”Enkle”)


Place: Pensionat Lövängen at the inner yard (Storvägen 64, 623 65 Ljugarn)

Time: Friday 28 March, between 15:30 - 18:30 (Note! ”Dubble” has priority)

Place: Östergarns IP at the start (Lassar Kviar 49, 623 69 Katthammarsvik)

Time: Saturday 29 March, between 09:45 - 10:30 (or onboard the bus to the start from Ljugarn)


Change of name can be done until March 11, 2025 at at cost of 100 SEK.

Do like this: The original participant sends an email to & approve the name change. We also need full details for the new particpant: Complete name, email, mobile, sex, personal number (6 digits), club/team.


According to The Distance Contracts Act sports events are exempt from the right of withdrawal.

You can read more here (Lag (2005:59) om distansavtal och avtal utanför affärslokaler) här
You can also read a short version here Hallå konsument!


All particpants will get a unique GotRun-merch either at start bib handout or in the goodie bag at the finish area.


We offer our participants great prices on accommodation thru our partners, some accommodation alternatives are located within a few minutes wallking distance from both the start-/finish area as well as the race dinner location on Saturday, and some a bit further away. 

See more info here: Accommodation


Show on Google Maps

Pensionat Lövängen in Ljugarn (inner yard)


Start & Finish area is located at Pensionat Lövängen in Ljugarn. Here you'll find water, sports drink & something to eat. Here is also a limited area where participants can leave drop-bags (apply only to participants in "Dubble").

Note! There is only one supermarket in Ljugarn (well assorted Coop), with limited opening hours (week days 09-19, weekends 10-16).


All participants in "Korte" 36 km will get a free bus transfer from Ljugarn (outside Coop) up to the start at Östergarns IP. The bus departs kl. 09.15, no control who is getting on. On the bus you can pick up your start bib, so you don't have to wait in line before the bus departure or before the start.

Note! If you know you will NOT go with the free bus, please send an email to thus perhaps avoiding us to book one bus too many.


Between Anga Prästänge & Ljugarn the course follows Östkustleden (with the exception of 8km between Gammelgarn Ängmans & Östergarns IP), which is well marked with orange markings on stones/trees/poles. This means that the "Korte" 36 km course is fully marked. However, part of the remaining course is NOT MARKED with the exception of about 8 km from Ljugarn to Ardre Petsarveklint, which affects participants in both "Dubble" & "Enkle". From here the course follows the new Torsburgenleden, also with orange markings. More info in Race PM.

NOTE! Mandatory for all participants to download the course to watch/mobile to navigate (apply to all participants in "Dubble" & "Enkle"). 

Download the GPX-files here:

"DUBBLE" 100 miles

"ENKLE" 50 miles

"KORTE" 36 km


In the event that a particpant need to quit the race, he/she must contact Race Management immediately & follow instructions on how to get to a reasonable pick-up location. Race Management mobile number will be printed on the backside of start bib & this number must be programmed in participants phones before start. 


By signing up for GotRun Trail Fest all participants agree that the organizers Run Raisers & WULF can post photos & videos before/during/after the race on this website and social media (Facebook & Instagram).


By signing up for GotRun Trail Fest all participants agree that the organizers Run Raisers & WULF can send the race results to UTMB, ITRA & DUV Ultra containing full name, gender, birth date (6 digits), club, nationality.


At Pensionat Lövängen there will be a pasta buffé served between kl. 18-21, which is also where the start bib will be collected. Note! This must be pre-booked & paid in advance - all participants who are "ticked yes" at race registration will get an email in February where you confirm participation + pay via Swish directly to Pensionat Lövängen! This is also where you have breakfast if you stay at Frejs Magasin (breakfast must be prebooked).

Note! There is only one supermarket in Ljugarn (well assorted Coop), with limited opening hours (week days 09-19, weekends 10-16).


We plan a great race dinner with a touch of Gotland included on Saturday night. Price about 295:- for a 2-course menu excl. drinks.

Note! Must be pre-booked & paid in advance - all participants who are "ticked yes" at race registration will get an email in February where you confirm participation + pay via Swish directly to Pensionat Lövängen!

We hope to see all participants here at the dinner held at Pensionat Lövängen/Frejs Magasin, to chill on the After Run followed by a race dinner. If you finish the race late you can have dinner in a box.

More details will included in the Race-PM to be sent out about 10 daye prior to race date.

Note! There is only one supermarket in Ljugarn (well assorted Coop), with limited opening hours (week days 09-19, weekends 10-16).


Medals will be handed out to all participants upon finish (who said "yes to medal" at sign up).

Price ceremony to all winners/distance will be presented shortly after finish, if possible when place 1-3 per class/distance have finished. We will also have a lottery where participants have a chance to win prizes from our lovely sponsors/partners on their start bib numbers.


The following is mandatory for all participants (see Race-PM for details):

  • GPS with the GPX-file of the race course downloaded (GPS watch and/or mobile)
  • Head lamp + extra battery (or extra head lamp)
  • Safety blanket (foil) + self-adhering elastic bandage
  • > 1L water/sports drink in vest/backpack (about 15-17 km between aid stations)
  • Own energy to last for the whole race, e.g. gels/bars
  • Own mug/cup
  • Wind-/waterproof jacket
  • Extra long-sleeve base layer
  • Hat + gloves/mittens
  • Personal medication

Head lamp, safety blanket & liquid MUST be carried from start to finish. Own mug/cup must be used at aid stations (no disposable mugs will be available). Personal medication must be packed in vest/backpack.

Reflex and/or reflex vest, extra shoes & socks, anti-chafing & extra clothes are recommended equipments. The January weather in Gotland can vary heavily, simply dress accordingly.


Only participants in "Dubble" 100 miles & "Enkle" 50 miles can have dropbags, according to:

  • "Dubble" = 2 x dropbags (after 36km/124km at Östergarns IP + 80km half way in Ljugarn)
  • "Enkle" = 1 x dropbag (after ca 44km at Östergarns IP)


Certainly it is unthinkable to leave any litter in the nature, you bring your garbage with you until you find a bin to throw it away. In our ambition to save the environment, we'll not have any disposable mugs at the aid stations. This means all particpants must have their own mug/cup to enjoy the refreshments at the aid stations.


2025 we will, just like 2024, have GPS-trackers from GeoTracks for all participant in "Dubble" 100 miles & "Enkle" 50 miles.

2025 we will have individual timing (supplier not yet determined) for all participants on "Korte" 36 km.

Participants & spectators/family will thus be able to track the fantastic efforts by all runners as they pass our checkpoints during the race. Please wear your bib in the front of your body to make it easy for our volunteers.


Links to Live-resultats will be posted here & in Race-PM closer to race date.


In general, use the natures resources. Toilets are close to the start in Ljugarn ("Dubble" & "Enkle") at Pensionat Lövängen, which is also an aid station, as well as at Torsburgen, Östergarns IP, & tempory toilets are at Sandviken Strandby & Folhammars camping. 

No dressing rooms, change where you stay at.

No showers, shower where you stay at.

Regardless where you staty in LJugarn you'll just be a few minutes walking distance from start/finish.


NOTE! About 14-17 km between the aid stations. Plan your water/energy accordingly & bring all the energy you need.

Water & sports drink will be available in all stations, something hot to drink in some & some snacks/fruits in some. Ensure you carry what you need during the whole race.


Pacers are NOT allowed. Support ONLY allowed at the official aid stations.